Sprudge Maps Spotlight is heading to Belgrade, Serbia to take a look at the simply stunning cafe by La Casa de Caffe. Just a stone’s throw from the Sava River, La Casa de Caffe is part of a brand new retail development, and the build-out of this cafe has to be seen to be believed.

Impeccably appointed, featuring industry-leading machinery from La Marzocco and Mahlkรถnig, La Casa de Caffe is making a late push for Most Beautiful Cafe of 2022. And with a menu featuring wine and cocktails, it’s the sort of place you can stay in all day to soak up the scenery over a tipple of two of your choosing. I’m already checking on the price of flights to Belgrade.

Want your cafe to be considered for a Sprudge Maps Spotlight? All you have to do isย register your shop for Sprudge Maps, our user-driven compendium of coffee shops around the globe. And the best part is, itโ€™s completely free!ย Sign up today!

Sprudge Maps is presented byย La Marzoccoย andย Pacific Barista Series.ย 

As told to Sprudge by Luka Jakลกiฤ‡.

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Introduce yourself to our readersโ€”tell us about your cafe!

Some places exude a special atmosphere, energy, and warmth. Places where we are always greeted by a sincere smile and where we recognize passion, dedication, and taste in every detail. We love them and we come back to them because they make us feel comfortable and completely free.

Welcome to La Casa de Caffe, our home where a unique selection of top-quality specialty coffee from all over the world awaits you every day. You can enjoy a cup of coffee in peace, or talk to our baristas while sitting on our brew bar and be a part of a presentation that will expand your coffee knowledge. Also an exclusive selection of wines from the best plantations from around the world, as well as an exclusive offer of distillates. You will enjoy small rituals, a combination of fresh and exotic flavors, and a unique ambiance in one of the most exciting parts of the city.

What equipment do you use in your shop?

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La Marzocco Linea PB three-group, with reverse osmosis filter for top quality and consistency in taste.
2x Mahlkรถnig E65S
1x Mahlkรถnig EK43
V60 Brewers
Felicita equipment (scales and kettles)

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Which roaster or roasters do you serve?

We are opening a roastery in a different location and we’ll feature 120kg Probat and a 12kg Probat. Currently we are roasting our coffee on a 5kg Probat owned by our friend.

What is the neighborhood like where you’re located? What’s some other cool stuff nearby?

Belgrade Waterfront, a new part of Belgrade built on Sava River, one of the biggest rivers in Europe. There is a huge, newly built shopping mall called “Galerija Beograd,” a couple of really nice restaurants, modern neighborhoods with a lot of greenery. Even though a part of this project it is still in construction, it’s an amazing place to take a walk by the river, and enjoy a cup of coffee with your friends.

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What’s something cool or unique about your cafe you want folks to know?

Belgrade has only a few specialty coffee shops that really stay true to the third wave coffee movement. Our open stage like espresso and brew bar offer a very personal relationship with our baristas, who are very passionate about their jobs. We also have a triple filtered cold brew coffee, that requires more time, but it pays off (ground coffee is sieved, filtered through an inox filtered, and then filtered through a V60 paper filter. The result is a very clean, and sweet almost ice tea like taste, no one does it like this in our country). We also serve a couple of cocktails, but the most interesting one is Espresso Martini made with our coffee, coconut water, and Diplomatico rum. Totally out of the ordinary.

Healthy food (oatmeals, sandwiches, croissants, and cakes)

Also we offer Pea Milk, Almond, and an organic Cow milk from a small milk dairy in Vrลกac (incredible sweetness).

Work-friendly, and a cosy lounge like space with a lot of natural light will make you forget about time.

Is there a community organization or charity you’d like to shout-out as part of this feature?

Currently we are working on jumpstarting the Specialty Coffee Association of Serbia. Thanks!

Thank you!

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Want your cafe featured in a Sprudge Maps Spotlight?ย Register your shop for Sprudge Maps, our user-driven compendium of coffee shops around the globe. Itโ€™s completely free.ย Sign up today!

Sprudge Maps is presented byย La Marzoccoย andย Pacific Barista Series.ย 

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Photos by La Casa de Caffe, used with permission