The New Rules of Coffee from Sprudge founders Jordan Michelman and Zachary Carlsen is now available on Amazon (shipping worldwide) and wherever books are sold.
The New Rules of Coffee, A Modern Guide For Everyone is an illustrated guide to the essential rules for enjoying coffee both at home and in cafes, including tips on storing and serving coffee, coffee growing, roasting and brewing, plus facts, lore, and popular culture from around the globe.
This introduction to all things coffee written by the founders and editors of Sprudge, the premier website for coffee content, features a series of digestible rules accompanied by whimsical illustrations. Divided into three sections (At Home, At the Cafe, and Around the World), The New Rules of Coffee covers the basics of brewing and storage, cafe etiquette and tips for enjoying your visit, as well as essential information about coffee production (What is washed coffee?), coffee myths (Darker is not stronger!), and broadcasts from a new international coffee culture.
JORDAN MICHELMAN and ZACHARY CARLSEN are the co-founders of, the world’s most popular coffee publication, and publishers of the Sprudge Media Network, an international network of websites covering coffee (and as of 2017, wine) around the world. Michelman and Carlsen publish work from more than 100 contributors each year and manage staff writers and editors in countries around the world.
Book Tour
Jordan Michelman and Zachary Carlsen will be signing copies of New Rules in bookstores and cafes around the world this season. For a complete list of locations and dates, visit
If you’re a cafe or bookseller and wish to carry New Rules of Coffee you can now order the book through Penguin Random House. E-mail and include the ISBN Number 978-0399581625.
An Unlikely Story (Plainville, MA)
Avid Bookshop (Athens, GA)
Baker & Taylor (national distributor)
Barnes & Noble (national distributor)
Belmont Books (Belmont, MA)
Book Passage (Multiple Bay Area locations)
Book Shop Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, Ca)
Brookline Booksmith (Brookline, MA)
Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island)
Buck’s Books (national distributor)
Chicago Comics (Chicago, IL)
Curious Iguana (Frederick, MD)
East Bay Booksellers (Oakland, CA)
King’s Books (Tacoma, WA)
The Book Larder (Seattle, WA)
Literatti (Ann Arbor, MI)
Magic City Books (Tulsa, OK)
Mercenary General Store (Santa Monica, CA)
Now Serving (Los Angeles, CA)
Omnivore Books (San Francisco, CA)
Paper Store Inc. (national distributor)
Papyrus (national distributor)
Politics & Prose (Washington, D.C.)
Powell’s (Portland, OR)
Solid State Books (Washington, D.C.)
Stock Providence (Providence, RI)
Tender Loving Empire (Portland, OR)
Third Place Books (Seattle, WA)
University Bookstore (Seattle, WA)
We also are thrilled to have our book stocked in these fine coffee bars across the United States. This is a partial and ever-growing list—if you don’t see your cafe, get in touch!
Stumptown Coffee Roasters (PDX, NYC, LA, Seattle)
All Day (Miami)
Joe Coffee (NYC)
Olympia Coffee Roasting Company
Indaba Coffee (Spokane, WA)
Elixr Coffee (Philadelphia, PA)
Narrative Coffee (Everett, WA)
Saint Frank (San Francisco, CA)
Mill City Coffee Roasters (Minneapolis, MN)
Gimme! Coffee (New York State)
Case Coffee (Ashland, OR)
Reanimator Coffee (Philadelphia, PA)
Snowy Owl Coffee Roasters (Brewster, MA)
We’ve been overwhelmed by support and love for The New Rules all across America on our book tour. If you’re interested in hosting us for an upcoming book tour stop, kindly give a holler.
Are you selling our book? Reach out to us!
Want to sell our book in your quality cafe? Give us a shout!